This week weapos;ve begun to see a bit of Autumn color around Oxford.�There is a maple tree along University Avenue between the Square and campus that usually puts on an early bright display, compared to the rest of Oxfordapos;s tree life.�This year is no exception�- the tree is now nearly completely orange, just in time for the neaby Episcopal churchapos;s annual pumpkin sale. There are also a couple of increasingly magenta maples along South Lamar on my drive north toward town. Here on Whippoorwill the trees are still mostly green, but even here there is a sense of the seasonapos;s changing.�Today that sense came in the form of rain and cooler temperatures. At work the ac was at a slightly less freezing level than earlier in the week, and we got to hear the cozy sound of rain splattering into the trashcans on the stairway most of the day.�At least itapos;s no longer rain splattering into the trashcans right outside our offices
I just finished reading Louise Erdrichapos;s novel, "The Master Butherapos;s Singing�Club" and itapos;s left me feeling sad. LP mentioned to me the other night that it contained a number of sad story lines, but, in fact, all of them are pretty sad. Fortunately, it hasnapos;t creeped me out the way another novel I read a couple of weekapos;s ago did. That one was "Praying to a Laughing God" (canapos;t remember the authorapos;s name at the moment) and concerned the late-life memories and travails of a retired hardware store owner/historical society volunteer who, it was eventually revealed, had brutally murdered a neighbor years before when he discovered the neighbor was having an affair with his wife. In the end of the novel he seems to be on the brink of finding new love with a bright, sophisticated widow, and this is seemingly supposed to feel like some sort of redemption, but I was left with the feeling that I didnapos;t want him to have a happy ending and I didnapos;t buy that the two of them could have any kind of happy life together with that kind of secret in his past anyway. So,�for anyone whoapos;s keeping score, that one�is on my�"not recommended" list. �
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