Chuck was at his desk, leaning against his computer chair comfortably with a glass of scotch in his hand. His laptop was open and there were several tabs open (Gossip Girl and GQapos;s websites being two of them) but his focus right now was on the website of a burlesque club in Alexandria. The place was amazing (well, amazing if you liked half-naked girls) and Chuck could really see a profit being made there if someone with the right assets took over. Chuck thought he was that person. He wrote down a couple of notes on a pad of paper. If he visited the club tomorrow and had a talk with the owners, maybe he could work up a business proposition by the time his father came to town...
The door was open. It might be frightening to see Chuck working so hard at something that didnapos;t involve his pants being off.
[Like the door, the post is open apos;cept when Gossip Girl is on. Then there will be SP. And, yes, Chuck buying a burlesque club at 17 years old is canon]
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