Currently: Drinking Decaf Early Grey [STASH]. Just finished the lamest apos;cinnamon bunapos; ever. Boo, Robinapos;s Donuts, you passed off a swirly glazed donut as a cinnamon bun. At the very least, you could have put some cinnamon on it :P What kind of fly-by night operation are you running here?
Planning: Dinner, baking. Shepherdapos;s pie, pumpkin spice muffins. Possibly an actual pastry pie of some sort. [Apple-strawberry?] This is the only time I wish I had a kitchen table, standing up to cook makes me feel like passing out. Itapos;s much easier to sit down and chop veggies. [Although in theory I could take a cutting board to the living room and do it on the coffee table
I think weapos;ve actually decided on baby names. Crazy. Although the middle name may change, itapos;s hard to say.
Silent Hill Homecoming: What the fuck? I like the controls, theyapos;re a lot better. The game itself looks gorgeous, but Iapos;m disappointed in the lack of puzzles/clues, and the insistence on fighting monsters rather than running away or hiding. The dodge/attack system also needs a lot of work, and results in more cheap hits than actual dodging. I hear the second half of the game levels out quite a bit though, which is good.
Hooray, allergic reaction to the cats. Puffy, swelly, watery eyes and itchy face. This is wonderful.
david gaines, david gainer, david gaillard, david gailey.

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